Sunday, September 12, 2010


Sorry it's been such a long time since my last post, but it's so much easier to post on FB....LOL Anyways, here's a couple of videos from Jaiden and Jared's football games yesterday. Jaiden's uniforms are blue and his number is 64 and has red shoes! and Jared's uniforms are red and his number is 41.

This is a video of Jaiden, he's the lonely little guy in the back (he's playing safety)

These are Jared he's in there you just have to look for his

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Phi Theta Kappa

I received my certificate for my induction into Phi Theta Kappa. It's an honor society!!!

It's hard to see, but this is the pin I received.
And of course the certificate!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paige in the hospital

This is boo boo when we were still in the E.R. after she got her I.V. She wasn't feeling very good :(

Paige asleep while we were still in the E.R. waiting for them to get her up to her room.

Here we were in the pre-op waiting to go into surgery. She was feeling pretty good 'cause they had given her some morphine.

Beautiful girl being very good waiting for her surgery to start.

After being in pre-op for so long she started to get really bored. So they brought her a box of barbies and my little ponies. She was VERY excited!

Paige watching a movie after waiting almost 5 hours for her surgery. This is her still in pre-op, right before they finally came and got her.

Paige in recovery, she was running a HIGH fever so she was not feeling well at all.

Still in recovery, but feeling a little better.

Back in her room, but she was mad 'cause I told her she had to eat her sandwich before she could have more chips.
Paige is feeling much better today. She had a much better night last night, only needing a little bit of pain medicine this morning. She has been up walking, playing and eating today. She can't leave the room because she is in isolation, so they brought her a box with some toys so she was happy about that.
She just got back from having her bandage changed and got to pick out a toy. She picked a barbie with a beautiful dress on (as she She is resting and getting ready to eat some lunch. The Dr. came in and it looks like we will be out of here tomorrow, so that's good!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The kids had a great time on halloween.

This is Prestyn at the end of the night. He took his costume off and was running through the streets

There's my little bamm bamm
And Pebbles!!!! She looked so cute, and that was the costume I made from scratch!

Jaiden was Capt Rex from the clone wars.

And then of course Jared!

Sorry it's been so long!!

Sorry it's been so long since I updated. Between the kids, school and the kids I babysit, I do not have much free time.

Anyways, the kids are doing GREAT!!! Jared is playing football and loving it, his team is going to the playoffs! Jaiden is getting ready to start soccer and doing really well in school. Paige goes to pre-school three days a week and loves it, she also started dance again and has a recital coming up this December. And last but not least, Prestyn, he is getting so big and climbs EVERYTHING!!! He's starting to talk more and my favorite things he says is "I did it" and "bad dog"

Here is a couple of pics of Prestyn from last night while I was trying to make dinner. Keep in mind that this was maybe a 20 minute time

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy birthday Prestyn and Happy Father's Day

Yesterday was my baby boy's 1st birthday. I can't believe it has been a year since that wonderful little man joined our lives. He is such a wonderful baby and I couldn't imagine my life without him. Happy Birthday baby boy, we love you very much!!!!

Yesterday was also father's day, so I just want to say Happy Father's day to all the fathers out there, esp. Shane, My dad, Corey, Kearby, Beau, and Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Please help this special little girl

This is the daughter of a friend of mine. She was born with CP and has an opportunity to lead a happy normal life. Here is a link to her site Everyday we take for granted that our kids are "normal", but what if they weren't! What if this was your daughter, neice or granddaughter? The procedure cost about $12,000.00 plus travel and living expenses. Insurance will not cover it because it is "experimental". Please check it out and donate, even if it's only $5.00, every little bit counts!!!!

Thank you!!!!